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Junior High School
Mass 8:00 am available
Study 9:00 am
Activity 9:45
Doughnuts 10:30
Talk 10:45 (confessions available)
Activity 11:00
End 12:00
FEB 22 - Kickoff and 'award ceremony' for FLL!
MAR 11 - Traverse X-Y EV3 robot build
MAR 25 - Woodworking project I
APR 18 - Woodworking project II
MAY 9 - FTC overiew
MAY 23-24 Pilgrimage
Virtue of the Month
FEB: Offering small sacrifices for Church, Holy Father, Country, family...
MARCH: Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, visits, spiritual communion...
APRIL: Study and offering it up, help a friend get closer to God...
MAY: Mary, special flower for our Lady, a memorare, rosary, 3 HMs before bed...
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